Here's a list of all the known people who can join TownShip: Breath of Fire 2 - TownShip citizens What follows are descriptions of each person capable of being a citizen of your town, TownShip. Each description will list where they can be found, what each person does and which house they reside in (1-6). Once a person's house is filled, he or she may disappear from the game entirely. Whether a person disappears really doesn't matter, because once someone's house is filled they will never be able to join choose your citizens wisely :) I have listed the citizens in order of which house they inhabit for ease of choosing. Please note that some people are only available for a short time, then they leave the game entirely :( The first set of houses is completed after you rescue Jean from the witch's spell. The second set will start construction after you fill the first 3 and talk to the carpenter. He will ask for 1000 gold for work. After he starts construction it takes approximately 1 "real" hour (ie an hour of playing the game) for the construction to be completed. If someone finds otherwise please follow this post up. The house number is based on the "regular" town, with 6 houses like so: My house Carpenter house well House 1 House 2 House 3 House 4 House 5 House 6 You may see people who can live in one of the 2nd set of houses before you have them built. These people just talk for the time being...they will join you if you choose after the 2nd set is completed. Citizen List ------------ House 1 Poo - looks like a member of the Joker gang (white headband, blue shirt) Location: Upstairs in the Pub of Coursair When you first get Poo he just thanks you for the house. Every now and then he leaves town...I don't yet know what happens if he comes back. Poo will disappear if another person fills house 1. Kay - Woman with orange hair in a blue dress Location: Upstairs in the Church of Coursair Kay gives you a vaccine shot that protects you from poison for an as yet undetermined length of time. It does not seem to last very long though :P Hekeller - Man with orange hair and mustache wearing a blue coat Location: Front room in the house right next to yours in HomeTown Hekeller appears only after saving Jean from the witch (it may be after saving Jean from the imposter prince, I can't remember for certain). He runs an Armory that sells unique items that can't be bought anywhere else. The weapons and armor in his store are the best available until you free the whale. Hekeller will disappear if another person fills house 1. Watts - Old man with a blue robe (No it's not the guy from SoM :) Location: Carnival at Tunlan, in the room where there are 2 demons Watts can only join your town when the carnival is in Tunlan. Once you get Spar the carnival will close and you will not be able to get Watts. He opens up a riddle dojo and asks several riddles. You only get one chance to answer the riddles correctly, but if you do get them all right he will ask a final riddle that helps you find Bleu. House 2 Win - Young man with orange hair wearing blue overalls Location: Upper left cave of the Joker gang hideout Win allows you to change the color of the text window if you talk to him in town. Leminion - Old man with a blue robe Location - Upstairs in the left Inn of Capitan Leminton opens a unique armor shop when you invite him to your town. He has the best equipment available before getting either Hekeller (see above) or the whale. Unfortunately there are only 4 items for sale in his store. Leminion will disappear if another person fills house 2. MacClean - Man with orange hair and mustache wearing a blue coat Location: On the shore of the old man's house near W.Cape MacClean will take you to his secret fishing area if you talk to him in town. This fishing area has several of the large pink and grey fish. MacClean will disappear if another person fills house 2. Bockden - Old man with a blue robe Location: In the cave leading to Gate Bockden opens a training dojo in HomeTown. As of right now he hasn't trained me in anything yet. Please email me any information you have about him. House 3 Azusa - Man with orange hair and mustache wearing a blue coat Location: In a cave on the mountain trail to TownShip Azusa will take you to his secret hunting grounds once he's in TownShip. These hunting grounds have all the animals you can hunt, except for possibly a bird. Wooppi - Woman with orange hair wearing a blue dress Location: Upstairs in the Church of HomeTown Wooppi is a fortune teller. She will give you hints about where to go next as the game progresses, much like what your friends tell you in the big house. Macotti - Young man with orange hair wearing blue overalls Location: Bathroom in the Pub of Coursair Macotti thanks you for his house and mentions something about repaying your kindness some day. Other than that he doesn't seem to do much :P Email any further info you have about Macotti's further exploits please. Baretta - Woman with orange hair wearing a blue dress Location: Armory in Windia Baretta sets up a basic Armory in your town. It starts out with very poor equipment, so I assume it will get better in time. I don't know if it gets better by the amount of the story completed or by "real" time elapsed playing the game. Baretta will disappear if another person fills house 3. Cat - Er, it just looks like a cat :) Location: House west of the Great Wise Tree When you talk to the cat it will have two possible answers, both "Meow." The left answer will invite it to the town, the right will not. I have absolutey NO idea what purpose a cat in the town can serve. Please email any info you come up with about the cat :) House 4 Locker - Young man with orange hair wearing blue overalls Location: Rear room in the right Inn of Capitan Locker is a painter and will paint your town. Talk to him to change the color of your town once you invite him there. Karashinikofu - Old man with a blue robe Location: Rear house in Guntz He will open a unique armor shop, but most of the armor sold there is inferior to that of Guntz. The weapons are of good quality however, and are the best you can buy until entering the mind of the Great Wise Tree. Karashinikofu will disappear if another person fills house 4. Barose - Old man with yellow robe Location: Inn of the child town inside the Great Wise Tree's mind Barose is possibly the best person to have join your town. I strongly recommend recruiting him. He can teach the Missile spell to ALL of your characters. To learn it he will ask for people with low AP and HP. Just get your AP down to 0 and your HP down to 1 and then talk to him. He will teach you the Missile spell. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...oh, um...sorry >:) After clearing the mind of demons Barose will not be attainable any more, so make sure to get him while you can. House 5 El - Highfort guard wearing a blue uniform Location: Next to the stairs to the treasure room in Tunlan El will only appear after you go through Highfort with Sten. When you invite El to town he talks about protecting the town. Beyond that I don't know what else he does. Anyone with info please email me or post. Hanz - Young man with orange hair wearing blue overalls Location: Rear room in the house right next to yours in HomeTown Hanz is another citizen I strongly recommend you get. He will appear after you finish building the second set of 3 houses. He opens an Item shop which sells several things you can equip on the Etc. slots, as well as Medicate (Atk-up when used), and Cond.Up which sets your condition to Super. Combined with the regular carpenter who cooks items, you can make unlimited money and put all characters' STR and AGI at maximum (please see cooking list in a previous post). Hanz will disappear if another person fills house 5. House 6 Surfy - Young woman with blue hair wearing an apron Location: On an island northeast of TagWoods, need Sten or bird to reach it Surfy opens a safekeeping shop (Bank) in your TownShip. Daiye - Man with a light blue crew cut wearing a blue jacket Location: 2nd floor of the Inn in Windia Daiye wants to sell fish! He opens a fish store in your town. Not all fish types are available however. Daiye will disappear if another person fills house 6. Sumner - Young man with blue hair wearing orange overalls Location: In upper right set of rooms nearest the castle in Tunlan Sumner will allow you to listen to all of the musical tracks in the game if you invite him to TownShip. I assume there are more people who can live in house 5 that have not been found, so everyone please keep an eye out for people we may have missed. People I have not been able to get to join TownShip, but are rumored to be possible citizens include: The nurse in the Windia dungeon (not there yet, is this actually possible?), and the man in the house west of the Highfort desert. Someone said that he creates an armor shop, but he won't join me for some reason...just keeps saying that he doesn't have anything to do with it :P ---------------------- Subject: TownShip citizen list update (BOF2) Date: Tue, 2 Jan 1996 13:27:02 GMT I found some new information about Barose, and also found Yozo, who I believe to be the final possible citizen of TownShip. Please see the original post for info about house #s etc. House 4 Barose - Old man with orange robe Location: Inn of the child town inside the Great Wise Tree's mind Barose is possibly the best person to have join your town. I strongly recommend recruiting him. He can teach one of three spells to any of your characters. The spell offered depends on the color of the Dragon tear in the text window: dark color = Freeze, middle color = Flame, bright or flashing = Missile (one of the most powerful spells in the game). To learn a spell he will ask for people with low AP and HP. Just get your AP down to 0 and your HP down to 1 and put that character in the front of the party. Each time you answer Yes the tear's color will change. If you are lying (ie AP is not 0 or HP is not 1) the tear will darken, and if it's the truth the tear will brighten. He will only teach 4 spells total, so I suggest you give Missile to 4 different people. Sten and Bleu will learn them through levelling and Katt doesn't have enough AP for it to be useful, so I suggest giving it to the others. Also since the hero has dragon magic I wouldn't teach it to him either as the dragon magic does more damage anyway. After clearing the Tree's mind of demons Barose will not be attainable any more, so make sure to get him. Also, if you have another person living in house 4 Barose will not appear in the Inn. House 5 Yozo - Man with blue hair and wings Location: Behind door north of stairs to dungeon (not basement) of Windia castle Yozo is a very shy guy. When you first talk to him he talks about a dojo. Once you invite him to the town you must talk to him MANY times (more than 30 at least). Every so often the dragon tear in the text window changes color and he starts to say more. Eventually he will offer to increase the AP of one person in your group. The only character this is useful for is Katt, because the AP only raises 16 points and then no one else can have their AP raised :( People I have not been able to get to join TownShip, but are rumored to be possible citizens include: The man in the house west of the Highfort desert. Someone said that he creates an armor shop, but he won't join me for some reason...just keeps saying that he doesn't have anything to do with it :P After reaching the nurse again underneath Windia, I can say that she won't join the town unless it would be in house 4 (since I had Barose). Again, send all information you may have to me, or post it to the newsgroup please. Thanks in advance :) +------------------------------------------------------------+ | The views contained within are those of me, myself, and I. | | (Not necessarily in that order, though) | +------------------------------------------------------------+ (Miyamoto Musashi)