Breath of Fire 2 My Notes On Creating Recipes. Nae'Blis's, that is. These are my notes for creating recipes in BoF2. A Recipe List is also included. I also try to explain a little about BoF2 Item Classes, but please note that they are just my speculations, and it is possible they aren't even near the truth. To cook items, you must get the regular carpenter who builds those thatch-roofed houses. His wife can cook any items, excluding any weapons or armour and few special items. The Base Formula is the item's inner substance. The item is made of these items, and the item's base formula can be used to create Type 3 and 4 items. More info about item types later. Item Classes: warning: this area is completely created by my own speculation. I don't even know wheter or not the game makers created the classes, but I've just figured something out of things. The Basic Classes are the base classes everything is built on. For example, Cure Items are just a subclass of Bait class ( Urchin ), and Magic point recovery items are a subclass of Meat and Antidot classes. I don't know wheter or not Antidot is a subclass. All Basic Class items are Basic Type items. All first-level subclass items are Type2 items. All second-level subclass items are Type3 items. All Type3 Items are created by combining Type2 and Basic Type items. All third-level subclass items are Type4 items. I haven't found any of these items so far. Sally e-mailed me a message about an item called P.Porridge or something. It could be Type4. Sally, could you e-mail the recipe again? What I've found out so far, the hierarchy would be the following: I haven't found type3's place yet, tho.. Bait Meat *Antidot?* | \ / Cure MCure Using the Base Formulas As I said before, the Base Formulas are the item's inner substance. If you combine, say, ShaveIce and F.Spice, it results in LuckCandy. Let's take a closer look. If you look at the recipe list, you can see that the Base Formula of ShaveIce is 8herb + 1roast. That would mean LifePl + Roast. F.Spice's formula is 4antdt + 2roast. That would be Vtmn + 2 Roast, since you create Vtmn with 4 Antdt. That all would result in LuckCandy, 8herb + roast + 4antdt + 2roast. So LuckCandy's recipe would be 8herb + 3roast + 4antdt. In simple form, it would be LifePl + 3Roast + Vtmn. -- Let's take a step forward. Now you want to test the formula you got for LuckCandy, right? Well, we must find a way to use 5 items in one soup, then. You can do this by combining an item with 8herb and 1 roast an item with 4antdt and 2 roast that would be ShaveIce + F.Spice, of course. But now you want a different formula. Let's try the following: an item with 8herb and 3roast an item with 4antdt and now, what do we have? PwrFood and Vtmn! Combine them, and you'll get LuckCandy! -- Let's take another step. It isn't necessary to always use same amounts of things. And this is the hard thing. Because we can create same recipe with many formulas, the Basic Formula may vary. It can happen that it's not always the same. Then you must just check lower and lower and lower, until you find a recipe with absolutely minimal amount of ingredients. The proportions are the most important. Lets take Medicate and ShaveIce, for example. Medicate = 4herb + 2roast ShaveIce = 8herb + 1roast If you change the proportions, it often results in charcoal, but sometimes in another item. Lets examine the matter further. You can create an F.Spice with 2WFruit and 1Roast. You can also create it with 1Vitamin and 2Roast. 1.2Wfruit + Roast = 4antdt + 3roast 2.Vtmn + 2 Roast = 4antdt + 2roast so you can see, even the proportions are not always important. When you create an recipe, find out the Base Formula you have and try decreasing the amounts in the Base Formula. Try it on this list, too, and E-mail me if you find anything. Try also changing the proportions. Item Class Types Types are a weird thing. I haven't managed to put an order to types. I just created them to help thinking. I have a few notes on types. Let's have an example. You take a WFruit and put a Antidot into the soup. You get WFruit. You just changed the proportions, but the Type Rules prevent an different item from appearing. I call that type of action "Breaking the Recipe". If you combine this WFruit with an Antidot, you get WFruit. That means WFruit contains antidot in its base recipe ( I'm not sure of this ) and that helps you a lot. Howewer, if you use a whole lot of Roasts and other things, say, you put WFruit and 3Roast in the stew, you get charcoal(not sure), because you put too much Roast in, and the proportions changed dramatically to 2:4, when a WFruit is normally 2:1. It accepts an another Roast, yes, but its base recipe does not change. ----- Ok, this is the end of my notes. E-mail me anything you find. ---- --==ננ RECIPE LIST ננ==-- Syntax: *********************************** ITEM'S_NAME: Best_Base_Formula_so_far other_level_recipes -- notes_on_item *********************************** ** CURE CLASS ** SubClass of bait? Type2 HERB: 2 Charcoal > H H + Worm > 2H Worm + Urchin > 2H -- Lvl 1 Cure HELPBL: 2herb 2 Urchin > 2H 2 Herb > H 4 Charcoal > H EXTRACT: 4herb 4 Herb > E 2 HelpBL > E LIFEPL: 8herb 2 Extract > L 4 HelpBl > L ** ANTIDOT CLASS ** What SubClass? notes: Cannot be combined with Cure class without help. What is L8 Antidot? It doesn't exist? Is it CureAl? ANTIDOT: Antidot + Worm > 2A -- Lvl1 Antidot.. TEARDR: 2 Antidot 2 Antidot > T VITAMIN: 4 Antidot 4 Antidot > V 2 TearDr > V ** Meat ** Basic Class notes: Cannot be combined with other Basic Classes? CHARCOAL: Failed Recipe > C Bleu + any Meat > C -- Burned meat... BEEF: -- I never get beef by hunting.. MEAT: -- same thing here.. ROAST: -- the BEST thing in the game.. almost every Type 3 Item contains Roast... I've heard of an item called "Liver".. where can it be found? ** MAGIC CURE ITEMS ** SubClass of Antidot & Meat WFRUIT: 2 Antdt + Roast 2 Antdt + Roast > W WISEBL: -- I need this recipe! ** Bait ** Basic Class WORM: -- Doubles some items SHRIMP: -- Same effect as Worm URCHIN: -- What is this? Is this a half-Curative class item? I've heard rumors about GBait, or something like that. How can such thing be found? ** SPELL-CASTING ITEMS ** Type 3 F.SPICE: 4Antidot + 2Roast 2 Wfruit + Roast ( 4Antidot + 3roast ) 1 Vtmn + 2 Roast ( 4Antidot + 2roast ) -- Propably even better recipe exists.. SHAVEICE: 8herb + Roast Extract + Medicate ( 8herb + 2roast ) 2 Extract + Roast ( 8herb + Roast ) FRIZBEE: 4herb + ?? Extract + CureAl ( 4herb + ?? ) -- Please inform me if you happen to find CureAl's recipe.. I've not managed to find recipes for L3 Spell Items.. Sally e-mailed me P.Porri's recipe, but I've lost it.. ** TEMPORARY BOOST ITEMS ** Type 2 MEDICATE: 4herb + 2roast Extract + 2 Roast There are a lot more... just haven't found the recipes.. ** PERMANENT ATTRIBUTE RAISING ITEMS ** Type 3 Items DINKER: 4herb + 2CureAl or Cond.Up + 6antdt 2 CureAl + Extract Cond.Up + Vtmn + TearDr ( ?? + 6antdt ) -- Must get the recipes for Cond.Up and CureAl... someone find them! LUCKCANDY: Very Many Formulas, but has herb + roast + antidot X--WiseBl,Cond.Up,CureAl WiseBl + Extract ( ?? + 4herb) WiseBl + Cond.Up ( ?? ) MisoSoup + Extract ( 9antdt + 4roast + 4herb ) Cond.Up + Roast Dinker + Roast ( [see Dinker] + Roast ) F.Spice + Medicate ( 4antdt + 8herb + 2roast ) PwrFood + Vtmn ( 8herb + 3roast + 4antdt ) Frizbee + F.Spice ( CureAl + 4herb + 4antdt + 2roast ) ShaveIce + F.Spice ( 8herb + 3roast + 4antdt ) Frizbee + ShaveIce ( CureAl + 12herb + Roast ) CureAl + LifePl + Roast ( CureAl + 8herb + Roast ) Frizbee + 2 Roast ( CureAl + 4herb + 2Roast ) --And there are many more, I have many more, but those should be enough for the time being, at least --This item is one of the major keys for X-c. Items POWERFOOD: 8herb + 3roast ( is there recipe with only 2roast? ) ShaveIce + 2 Roast ( 8herb + 3roast ) ShaveIce + Medicate ( 12herb + 3roast ) 2 Medicate ( 8herb + 4roast ) --This is a simple Type3 item.. MISOSOUP: 9antdt + 4roast ( is 8antdt possible? ) X--WiseBl 2 F.Spice + Antdt ( 9antdt + 4roast ) WiseBl + Roast ( X?? + Roast ) --Is there recipe with just 2 F.Spice ?? --Is WiseBl 8antdt + 3roast? I am sure there are more PAR items... ^Permanent Att. Raising Must find GutsBl... Is Cond.Up an item of this class, or is it an TB item? ** GOLD ** this is the weirdest class... ancient alchemists? yes that's what we are! GOLD (bait) : --No recipe found yet GOLDBAR: 3 Cond.Up ( X?? ) LuckCandy + MisoSoup + Medicate + CureAl ( oh no this is a really hard one.. lets just say it contains Roast, herb, antdt, and CureAl.. whatever CureAl is... ) There are a lot more items to this class.. what is G8Bait? How can I cook it? ** Fish ** Basic Type class I must go and catch some fish before I can tell you about this class.. --==ננ X-Classified Items ננ==-- Items I have not found. WiseBl Cond.Up CureAl and many others... Look at the recipes containing any of these items, create their Base Formulas, and compare them with other base formulas... maybe you can manage to create some of them.. ******************************************************************** Credits: I would want to thank Sally, for contributing to this list, and e-mailing me some recipes. Special thanks go to Capcom, for creating this game. ********************************************************************* Breath of Fire 2 is a trademark of Capcom Enteraiment, Inc. Please E-mail me any of your additions. Nae'Blis Also known as Ragnarok